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Since launching Rendez-vous in Paris in 2009, Heather has been recognised internationally as one of Europe's best luxury wedding planners, and event producers. She has also appeared on television, planned celebrity weddings and extraordinary private parties for an affluent clientele.

The Agency was destined to expand, and Ioana joined Heather in the creation of Rendez-vous in Paris - Bucharest in 2022!


With teams currently in both Western and Eastern Europe, we are able to create a collaborative planning experience, delivering events that go beyond our client's initial vision, adapting to our client's busy lives, allowing them to feel taken care-of while planning their milestone event. 

With the addition of our Bucharest office, we are able to take on your destination events from truly A-Z, as we now incorporate Travel Agency Services into our Destination Wedding Planning Services.

The Agency will continue to grow, with the addition of Rendez-vous in Paris - Dubai, opening soon !!

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 to discuss how we can elevate your event to the next level.


Explore our work

We have produced incredible weddings and events for our clients, curating extraordinary experiences and bringing their French dreams to life! Hundreds of couples have trusted us to plan & produce their vision and give an incredible experience to their guests in France, and all over Europe.


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We had the chance to experience a last minute Birthday Party managed by Heather. A very high level of expertise, a real sense e of details that matched 100% our client request and a very good network of suppliers. It was a 5 stars event, that our client and her guests enjoyed. Rendez vous in Paris is one to be recommend with no hesitation. She is a great and valuable partner in Paris for us from now on. 


RENDEZ-VOUS IN PARIS SARL au Capital de 7 500€ 518 140 652 R.C.S. Paris  - 91 rue du Fbg St Honoré - 75008 Paris, France - - Une Réalisation de GROUPE HAUSSMANN MEDIA 

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©2019 RENDEZ-VOUS IN PARIS – Tous droits réservés – Mentions légales

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