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Rendez-vous in Paris – Bucharest is the first Proposal-to-Honeymoon Event Planning service in Romania. The company’s unique structure brings together Luxury Event Planning, Travel Professionals and the finest vendors available on the market across Europe.


The company specializes in the seamless organization of weddings &private events, but has years of experience in corporate events and luxury product launches as well. 


At last, Destination Weddings & Private Events have never been easier! The Bucharest-based team is comprised of event planners, day-of coordinators and experienced travel agents. Dedicated Travel Specialists take care of guests from all over the world, ensuring the best travel, accomodation and assistance for all those attending our events. 


The Bucharest Agency also specializes in the creation of local events, challenging outdated customs and delivering one-of-a-kind moments. Performers, musicians, tableware and infrastructure can be sourced from anywhere throughout Europe, making posibilities endless and events irreplicable!

 - Destination Weddings  - Unique Local Events  -  Paris Fashion Week Showrooms  -  Travel Agency Amenities  -
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Born into the world of tourism and luxury travel, Ioana boasts over five years of experience in events both local & abroad. Her formative years spent in London allowed her to sample and learn the fine art of event management, but it was her time in Paris that instilled within her the true savoir-faire of the French. 


Her experience in team management and training have helped make sense of all forms of organized chaos. Travel knowledge accrued through years of travel agency experience has translated into a keen eye for beautiful locations, venues and the infrastructure necessary for an exquisite event either home or abroad.

After quite a few successful destination weddings & events, Ioana joined Heather in the creation of Rendez-vous in Paris - Bucharest !

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 to discuss how we can elevate your event to the next level.


RENDEZ-VOUS IN PARIS SARL au Capital de 7 500€ 518 140 652 R.C.S. Paris  - 91 rue du Fbg St Honoré - 75008 Paris, France - - Une Réalisation de GROUPE HAUSSMANN MEDIA 

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©2019 RENDEZ-VOUS IN PARIS – Tous droits réservés – Mentions légales

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