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Rendez-vous in Paris is your go-to for planning everything from festive birthday parties, Baby Showers, Bar & Bat Mitzvahs, to romantic weekend getaways, and private dinners for your elite group of friends.

Your private events come complete with Michelin starred chefs and sommeliers offering the rarest wines, in exclusive locations overlooking the city skylines. 
Whether you want to arrive by helicopter, private jet, or luxury limousine, we can make it happen.

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We have access to private VIP salons at the Grand Prix of Monaco, offering your clients and partners the best view, and exceptional private tours of the Formula 1 pit & paddocks.

We can put you in the middle of the red carpet at the Film Festival of Cannes, along-side the stars, and get you into the film viewings, award shows and hottest parties of this 2 week annual event.

Rendez-vous in Paris has the necessary network and experience to get you and your guests front and center at the most sought-after sporting, cultural and exclusive events in France.

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 to discuss how we can elevate your event to the next level.

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We had the chance to experience a last minute Birthday Party managed by Heather. A very high level of expertise, a real sense e of details that matched 100% our client request and a very good network of suppliers. It was a 5 stars event, that our client and her guests enjoyed. Rendez vous in Paris is one to be recommend with no hesitation. She is a great and valuable partner in Paris for us from now on. 


RENDEZ-VOUS IN PARIS SARL au Capital de 7 500€ 518 140 652 R.C.S. Paris  - 91 rue du Fbg St Honoré - 75008 Paris, France - - Une Réalisation de GROUPE HAUSSMANN MEDIA 

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©2019 RENDEZ-VOUS IN PARIS – Tous droits réservés – Mentions légales

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